How a New Jordanian Flag Challenges ISIS

Every spring, Jordan marks two national holidays that put the iconography of the state on proud display. May 25 is Independence Day, which fetes the 1946 formal (if not actual)...

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Islamic State Retreat Gives Turkey an Unwanted Kurdish Neighbor

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is getting the buffer zone he’s campaigned for along the Syrian border. But instead of the rebels he favors, it’s controlled by Kurdish fighters...

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New Pentagon Manual Declares Journalists Can Be Enemy Combatants

The Pentagon’s new thick book of instructions for waging war the legal way says that terrorists also can be journalists. The description appears in a 1,176-page, richly footnoted...

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The Grand Dilemma: What Is the Most Dangerous Threat to America?

From ISIS and Iran, to China and Russia, which threat should America focus on? In formulating its defense policy, the United States has to face four separate security challenges...

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America’s Return to Iraq

President Barack Obama’s decision to increase the number of American troops on the ground in Iraq, and to base them in Sunni-dominated Anbar province, has sparked wide discussion. In the...

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The Kurds Are Building a Country With Every Victory Over ISIS

Syrian Kurds take a town 30 miles from the ISIS capital, but their goal of their own nation complicate the fight Ethnic Kurds—who on Tuesday scored their second and third significant...

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U.s. Says Drone Killed an ISIS Operative

An American drone strike last week killed a midlevel operative with the Islamic State who had been a conduit for the militant group’s outreach to extremists in North Africa, Defense...

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