Iran: Tehran’s Strategic Ties Against the West

As Iran’s controversial nuclear program is still being discussed behind diplomatic doors, Tehran continues to develop strong ties with Russia and China much to the dislike of the West....

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Germany, the Green Superpower

A week at the American Academy in Berlin leaves me with two contradictory feelings: one is that Germany today deserves a Nobel Peace Prize, and the other is that Germany tomorrow will...

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What the Arabian Gulf States Want: Iran Kept at Bay

This week, President Obama will gather kings, emirs and sheiks from the oil-rich monarchies of the Arabian Gulf at Camp David for a summit aimed at bolstering the U.S. alliance with...

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France Overtaking Britain as Gulf States’ Main European Ally

France is quickly becoming the most important European ally to the Gulf States, after President Francois Hollande made a landmark visit to the region and clinched an important deal. On...

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Saudi-led Coalition Accuses Houthis of ‘hiding’ Among Yemeni Civilians

On Saturday, the Saudi-led coalition reiterated its calls for Yemeni civilians to evacuate the Houthi stronghold of Saada, accusing the Iranian-backed militia group of “hiding” among...

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Conflicting Aims, Limited Means: Russia in the Middle East – Analysis

In Ukraine in particular and Europe more generally, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been pursuing an activist foreign policy agenda that Europe and the United States (US) are having...

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Iran Letter Divides Democrats

The same divide does not surround legislation that would give Congress an up-or-down vote on any nuclear deal finalized between Iran, the United States and five other global powers....

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