Arab Military Surge Carries Risks

Washington has welcomed the muscular role Arab militaries are playing in Yemen and Syria, but their greater participation could also create a greater risk of a wider Sunni-Shia conflict...

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U.S. Promises to Beef Up Defense Aid to Persian Gulf Allies

Obama administration officials are promising a major strengthening of U.S. defense commitments to Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies, possibly including a nuclear commitment to...

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The All-Arab Army

Last week, Sharm el-Sheikh hosted the 26th Arab League summit. It ended with a bang. In the final communiquÃĐ, the organization of 22 Arab states announced the establishment of a “unified...

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The Delicate Path Ahead on Iran

There’s a buoyant sense at the White House this week — a feeling that a much-embattled President Obama has achieved the goal he set in January 2009 of engaging Iran on the basis of...

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Opinion: Operation Decisive Storm Can Protect the Gulf

That Iran dreams about and works to act as the policeman of the Gulf is up to Tehran. But that the West, led by US, would allow it to be so depends on their mutual interests with Iran....

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The War in Yemen Is Getting Worse — and a Civilian Catastrophe Is Looming

For nearly two weeks, Saudi fighter-bombers have pounded Houthi rebel positions and convoys around Yemen, but so far the offensive has forced them neither to retreat nor sue for peace.

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US May Sell Hundreds of Missiles, Military Equipment to Egypt, Pakistan

The United States has approved a potential $57 million sale of air-to-surface missiles to Egypt and an estimated $1 billion sale of helicopters and missiles to Pakistan, according to...

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