News Coverage

Media Center / News Coverage

Derasat Center organizes a specialized workshop on renewable energy modeling
Derasat's “Think Talks” Series: Promoting Intellectual Dialogue in 2023
Derasat Center’s panel discussion delves into “Gaza and Future Scenarios”
Dr. Sheikh Abdullah bin Ahmed Explores Prospects of Mutual Cooperation with Chatham House
The Chairman of the Center highlights Bahrain's contributions to creating a more secure and prosperous world
A Study by Derasat Highlights Formal Education during the Second World War in Bahrain
Prof. Jamal Al-Suwaidi Visits Derasat Center Dr. Sheikh Abdulla bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa: Bahraini-Emirati Relations an Exemplary Model of Cooperation
Seminar on Institutional Strategic Planning held at Derasat Center
Derasat and SCE opinion poll maps societal awareness on the hazards of plastic waste
Derasat Center visits several think tanks in the People’s Republic of China
Derasat Center Reviews Achievements of the Third Quarter of the Current Year
Derasat Center surveys parents’ readiness for students’ return to school
Derasat invites Researchers and Academics to join its membership and Think Talk Series
Derasat Center publishes survey report on societal awareness of nutritional ingredients
Derasat Board of Trustees reviews its activities during the second quarter of this year
Conclusion of the Sixth "Studies" Forum with Widespread Acclaim for the Achievements of Bahraini Women in Various Fields
The proceedings of the sixth Derasat Forum on the role of women in policymaking and research centers have commenced
Wide international participation in Sixth Derasat Forum
Derasat Center publishes a new issue of its scientific journal
Derasat and AMH hold symposium on 'Awareness of Genetic Disorders: Coping and Prevention Methods'
Derasat hosts think tank NATO-GCC strategic partnership discussions
Derasat Center launches opinion poll on awareness of food product ingredients
Derasat’ lecture examines ideal utilization of WTO dispute settlement system
Derasat Center publishes first historical study on the Victoria Memorial Hospital in Bahrain
Survey Measuring Awareness of Genetic Disorders Launched
UN deems Bahrain’s sustainable urban planning part of blueprint for Arab cities
Derasat Center Participates in Bahrain Sports Day
Workshop on Regional Security Perspectives in the Gulf Region
Implications of Atlantic-European Rapprochement
Derasat Publishes its National Survey Report on Organ Donation
The impact of military technology on defense
The Global Security Landscape: What Lessons for the New Year?
Russian Military Strategy 2023
The seas are a source of wealth and an arena for conflicts
The Manama Dialogue and the Importance of Enhancing Military R&D Capabilities
Outcomes of the 18th Manama Dialogue
Participating in the Parliamentary and Municipal Elections: Domestic and Foreign Messages
Entrepreneurship and Building Future Civilization: Research and Development (3)
Military Technology: A New Formula for Conflicts
NATO and the Iran-Deterrence Policy
Entrepreneurship and Building Future Civilization: Education (2)
Ettore Muti: Anniversary of the Fascist Italian Military Commander’s Attempt to Bomb the Bahrain Oil Refinery 1-2
Military Coalition Experience in the Middle East
NATO Confronts Cyber Threats
Aerial Drones for Naval Security
The British Naval Security Strategy
The Middle East and Africa: An International Conflict Theater
NATO’s Eighth Strategic Concept
Naval Security: Concept, Threats, and Strategies (1)
Egyptian-Saudi Military Coordination
US Support for GCC Defense Capabilities
Repercussions of the Atlantic-Russian Conflict on the Middle East
Maritime Security in the Gulf-US Partnership
Towards an Integrated Strategy for Gulf Food Security
Plans for a European Football Super League Will Resurface
A Gulf-European Strategy for Joint Cooperation
OPEC Must Seize the Opportunity to Modernize Its Image
Maintaining Global Energy Security: Lessons From the Ukrainian Crisis
Economic Decoupling Is a Threat to World Peace
The Dilemma of Buffer States in International Conflicts: Case Study of Ukraine
Bahrain-Emirati Strategic Partnership .. Legacy of the Past .. Challenges of the Future .. Future Opportunities
Launch of Bahrain-Emirati Strategic Partnership Book
Replace hegemony with trade between neighbors and watch peace take root
The Atlantic-Russian Dialogue: Military Confrontation or Avoidance?
Arabia cannot woo international investors until everyone plays by the same rules
Do as I say and not as I do isn't a recipe for political success
Iran's Regional Project
Using sustainable finance theory to save the environment
Derasat Hosts the Global Thinks Tank Summit
Manama Security Dialogue: A Strategic Vision
Corporate greed isn’t causing inflation
Derasat signs an MoU with Bahrain Chamber
U.S. Maritime Strategy to Confront China
Why Do Economists Get Criticized the Most?
Libya's Stability: The Role of the GCC
The Saudi-U.S. Partnership: A Strategic Necessity for the Regional Security
The Nuclear Submarine Deal: A New Challenge for the NATO?
By managing conflicts Gulf nationals can build the civil societies they yearn for
The Gulf-US Partnership: A Strategic Vision
Talent immigration is the secret weapon the US can employ against China
A European military force to intervene in crises
Professors Fail in Their Duty When Coercing University Students to Study
Maritime Security in the Arabian Gulf- An International and National Responsibility
Big Football Clubs Skew VAR to Their Own Benefit With the Game’s Integrity Lost
Derasat; Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs Sign Agreement
Arab Gulf States and Crisis Management: The Invasion and Liberation of Kuwait as a Model
The Reality of Artificial Intelligence Research in the GCC
Seas as New Arenas for Cold War?
In the Fight Against COVID-19, China and the US Need to Set Their Differences Aside
Maritime Security at the Gulf Research Cambridge Workshop
Egyptian Mediterranean Naval Base: A Strategic Vision
Discussions on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam by the Security Council
No major surgery needed as telemedicine streamlines healthcare
Education is key in the fight against elite mafias trying to control governments.
The Importance of Attaining Food Security
Food Security - Key Topic at Derasat's Annual Forum
International Trade and Food Security
Loans Reprieve Helped Bahraini Families
How Peer-to-Peer Learning Can Help to Improve Youth Job Prospects.
One Global Pole or A Multipolar World?
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