Opinion Poll: Parents’ Readiness for the New Academic Year in Elementary, Intermediate, and Secondary Stages

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Opinion Poll: Parents’ Readiness for the New Academic Year in Elementary, Intermediate, and Secondary Stages

November 13, 2023Opinion Poll: Parents' Readiness for the New Academic Year in Elementary, Intermediate, and Secondary StagesThe Bahrain Center for Strategic, International, and Energy Studies “Derasat” conducted a survey on parents’ readiness for the new academic year. The survey was conducted on a representative sample of the Bahraini community, including both males and females, totaling 201 individuals. The survey took place from September to October 2023 and consisted of 18 questions aimed at measuring parents’ opinions regarding their preparedness for the new school year in elementary, intermediate, and secondary stages, encompassing both government and private schools.

The objective was to identify parents’ primary concerns regarding the new academic year. This information will enable teachers and education professionals to understand the key needs and challenges faced by parents.

The survey also aims to gauge parents’ opinions on existing measures for students’ mental well-being, their academic readiness, their views on academic workloads, preferred channels of communication with parents, measures taken to address bullying in educational institutions, and other relevant topics.