The 3rd Derasat Forum

Events/ Dersat Annual Forums/ The 3rd Derasat Forum

Derasat’s Third Annual Forum was held online from 24th to 26th November, 2020, titled, “The Role of Think Tanks in Supporting National Efforts: Countering the Coronavirus Pandemic and Implications”. The Forum discussed the role of regional and international think-tank in researching and analyzing the impacts and future challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and provided a platform to discuss best practices and lessons learned.

Concept Note


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Derasat’s 3rd Annual Forum (Virtual Edition)

The Role of Think Tanks in Supporting National Efforts: Combatting the Repercussions of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Forum Theme – Overview

The Covid-19 pandemic posed a monumental challenge to all countries, taken by surprise at the rapid global spread of the virus and at the magnitude of the repercussions, which affected all aspects of life: politics, the economy, security, and social well-being. The Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies (Derasat) has envisioned a space in its third annual forum, to discuss the regional and global role that think tanks play in researching and analysing the development and implications of the pandemic. In doing so, Derasat Center strives to set the stage to showcase and discuss the best practicesimplemented, and the most valuable lessons learned during this period; thus implying that researchers and their empirical efforts – and in turn their respective think tanks – are viewed as important contributors to finding solutions and better understanding national and global crises. Amid the diverse approaches between countries in facing the challenges of the pandemic, national governments took center stage as they mobilised national resources to counter and deal with theimpacts. Think Tanks have likewise performed a crucial role, whether through publishing analytical reports and scientific articles to better inform decision makers, or by holding discussions, debates and events to raise awareness. The repercussions of the pandemic will be felt for years to come, despite the implementation of stimulus packages, mitigation plans and national recovery strategies. The impact of the pandemic demands formulating integrated strategies to address these challenges in the short, medium, and long terms. Moving forward, country strategies will require evidence-based research, to identify and assess the broad impacts of the pandemic on socio-economic and security aspects. Research should include analyses of country case studies addressing the main challenges they faced. The features of a strategy to cope with the post-pandemic era require a dialogue at all levels. One that brings together research centres and national organisations, to share their visions based ontheir experiences in dealing with this crisis, deriving lessons currently learned, and aimed towards producing a comprehensive and adaptable plan. A plan that should consider resources, roles, and challenges, in a holistic national perspective.

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