4th Annual Derasat Forum

The Fourth Derasat Forum: Strategies to Attain Food Security

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The Fourth Derasat Forum concluded on June 23rd, 2021, held online under the title,“Strategies to Attain Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities”. The forum presented potential solutions and recommendations for improving national and regional food security. Experts from the region shared policy and program experiences and gave a comprehensive overview of the situation and of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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Derasat’s Fourth Annual Forum (Virtual Edition)

Strategies to Attain Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities

Forum Theme – Overview

Food security plays a significant role in all national security strategies. Despite the Arab Gulf States’, including the Kingdom of Bahrain, concern to meeting food security requirements, the challenges posed by the pandemic, most prominently the breakdown in food import chains from exporting countries in lockdown, have revealed the importance of alternative options, not only to maintain food security but as a national priority and part of a comprehensive national security policy.

The Arab Gulf States have employed several policies to meet food security requirements such as utilizing technology to grow crops, expanding the construction of food factories, and investing in land abroad, for instance, agricultural investments in Sudan. However, there remains a set of challenges, be these related to the natural condition of the Arabian Gulf such as water scarcity and climate change; or imposed by the pandemic with its unique challenges, as well as economic challenges, for example, the rising costs of food imports and the resulting impact on GCC budgets. Some reports indicate importing food to the Arab Gulf States had risen from USD 25.8 billion in 2010 to USD 53.1 billion in 2020. Given the fast-paced population growth in these countries, an increase in the food supply gap is anticipated posing a monumental challenge in face of additional security threats such as those to strategic maritime corridors, (e.g., the Straits of Hormuz and Bab-al-Mandab), on which the Gulf’s international commerce relies.

The pandemic and additional crises, like the Beirut Port explosion that threatened critical food stores, raise important questions: What are the best means to achieve food security in Bahrain and the GCC? How can countries mitigate and build resilience to crises for the future? Is there a need for more coordinated strategies, organizations, or legislations?


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5th derasat Forum

2nd IAEE MENA Symposium - 5th Annual Derasat Forum 2022

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Derasat hosted the second Middle East and North Africa IAEE Symposium in association with the 5th Derasat annual forum in Bahrain, themed “The Impact of Energy Transition in the MENA Region”, on 2nd & 3rd March 2022 at the Art Hotel & Resort.
The forum measured the aspiring economic and developmental goals and achievements in the MENA countries, especially the Arabian Gulf States, towards their ambitious environmental goals and efforts to curb pollution and climate change while preparing to withstand and benefit from the global shift to a green energy mix that focuses on renewables and alternatives.


Session Briefs


The symposium and forum’s main theme will be, “The Impact of Energy Transition in the MENA Region”. The launch of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in 2015 institutionalized a focus on shifting the world’s energy mix away from fossil fuels toward greener alternatives, including renewable energies such as solar and wind. The entire government policy spectrum has been deployed in the pursuit of this goal, including green regulations, subsidies that target green energy, and gradually increasing taxation on high-carbon activities. Moreover, governments continue to provide strong financial and legislative support for green research and development.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a multifaceted impact on the transition toward cleaner energy. On the one hand, the pandemic has caused unprecedented economic stress and has contributed to a breakdown in multilateral cooperation; both of which have been unfavorable for green energy. On the other hand, many economies have leveraged the pandemic as an opportunity to reconfigure the political economy of energy investments, including the sidelining of entrenched and traditionally influential fossil fuel lobbies. One manifestation has been the direction of infrastructure elements of post-COVID fiscal stimulus bills toward green energies as part of a systematic rollback of carbon-related investments.
The Middle East and North African (MENA) region is playing a central and multidimensional role in the prevailing energy transition. For several decades, it has been a major source of global energy, most notably the countries that border the Arabian Gulf. Oil and gas exports have enabled many of these countries to realize high living standards and to grow their populations considerably. However, this has come at the cost of high levels of per capita power consumption.
Alongside population growth, a key driver of increased energy demand in the MENA region has been water scarcity, as the region’s arid climate renders power-intensive desalinization a primary source of water. Moreover, many of the heavy industries that have witnessed large-scale investments, such as petrochemicals and metals, involve energy intensive production methods. COVID has served to reinforce these tendencies by encouraging the localization of production in the pursuit of self-sufficiency, as this usually requires production methods that consume large amounts of energy.
However, the desire to diversify their economic bases and to contribute to the sustainability agenda has pushed many countries in the MENA region toward greener alternatives, most notably wind and solar energy. Moreover, countries that have traditionally been importers of cutting-edge technology, such as Saudi Arabia, have transformed into producers, as they seek to develop versions of prevailing renewable energy solutions that are tailored to their climate. In fact, in the case of hydrogen, the MENA region is transforming into a global technological frontrunner as the region’s players look to maintain their competitive advantage in energy exports.
The impact of energy on MENA societies extends well beyond the technical and economic domains. The region’s location and its fossil fuel reserves have together given the MENA great geo-strategic importance, motivating foreign powers to expend a large volume of resources on advancing their interests in the region, especially at the height of the Cold War. These efforts have taken the form of strategic partnerships in the security domain, diplomatic alignments, and traditional economic investments across a wide range of sectors.
Consequently, as the energy demands of the major powers evolve as part of the transition to greener sources, so too will the nature of interactions between the region and the rest of the world. An example is the United States, who – partially driven by developments in its shale oil sector – had expressed its clear desire to minimize security involvement in the MENA region, and that the region should become more independent and self-reliant in developing a sustainable security architecture.
Energy transition is, therefore, having profound and wide-ranging impact on the MENA region, due to a combination of internal and external developments. The symposium and forum aim to shed light on these issues from the perspective of policymakers, businesses, and the research community.

Session 1: Advancing Green Energy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
â€Ē What is the nature of the fiscal and regulatory support given to green energies in the MENA region?
â€Ē To what extent is the prevailing energy mix the result of subsidies and legal support that is favorable to green energy?
â€Ē Do the societal benefits that green energies confer justify the cost of the fiscal and regulatory support that they are afforded?
â€Ē Does global competition give governments an incentive to limit pro-green regulation as part of a regulatory race to the bottom?

Session 2: The MENA region as a Technological Leader in Green Energy and the Circular Carbon Economy (CCE)
â€Ē What are the international policies and practices that support the CCE and how can we measure their impact on both environment and economy?
â€Ē What is the MENA region’s current contribution to green energy and circular carbon economy research and development, including hydrogen?
â€Ē What are the key barriers to the MENA region making a larger contribution?

Session 3: Artificial Intelligence and Energy Transition in the MENA region
â€Ē How can artificial intelligence technologies contribute to the transition to green energy in the MENA region?
â€Ē What are the key barriers to taking advantage of artificial intelligence?
â€Ē What are the risks associated with using artificial intelligence?

Session 4: Green Uses for Fossil Fuels in the Sustainability Era
â€Ē What methods currently exist for using fossil fuels in a sustainable manner?
â€Ē Can the extraction of fossil fuels remain commercially viable in the second half of the 21st century?

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6th derasat forum

The Role of Women in Policy-Making, Think Tanks, and Research

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The 6th Annual Derasat Forum will examine the causes of the existing imbalances by directly engaging current think tank leaders‭ and the next generation who will be looking to take over the reins in the coming decade‭. ‮The Forum will also explore the impacts of the national initiatives led by the Supreme Council for Women in Bahrain towards women’s advancement and achieving gender balance, while exploring effective methods of realizing more equitable outcomes for the sector‭. ‮The sessions aim to look at the empowerment and trust in female researchers by weighing the significance of their research cases and the extent to which positive outcomes have been consequently realized and addressed‭.‮
Since female empowerment and advancement is a challenge that exists in many sectors beyond the research and policy world‭, ‮the Forum will provide‭ ‮a general analysis that applies broadly‭. ‮However‭, ‮it will also focus on the issues that are specific to think tanks and thought leadership‭. ‮This topic is especially important at present due to the increasing number of major crises the world is currently facing‭. ‮The positive contribution that think tanks can make to policy is a critical topic of discussion‭, ‮and understanding how to maximize this contribution in a just and equitable manner is an issue that demands the attention of the entire research community‭.‮


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In many research and policy-related disciplines‭, ‮the empowerment and advancement of women remain highly salient‭. ‮This is especially true in the‭ ‮upper echelons of the fields that think tanks dominate‭, ‮such as security‭, ‮foreign policy‭, ‮economics‭, ‮and energy‭. ‮Underrepresentation persists despite the high levels of female enrollment in the higher education programs that feed into the research and administrative positions in think tanks‭.
Affording women equal opportunities to be thought leaders is a fundamental right that is independent of any economic benefits that this may confer‭. ‮Despite this‭, ‮scholarly research has demonstrated the existence of significant returns associated with ensuring that women have equal access to top positions in the research community‭. ‮The simplest cause is that women represent half‭ ‮of the labor pool‭, ‮and so marginalizing them is tantamount to artificially limiting the depth of talent from which to select leaders‭. ‮Beyond this‭, ‮leadership teams that are more diverse in composition tend to be more diverse in terms of ideas generated‭, ‮which is critical for research institutions‭. ‮‮

Session 1: Women Thought Leaders | Past aspirations and present achievements

The panel will include input from female thought leaders in various fields of research. It will consist of a diverse range of women executives who have worked across the think tank and government industries. The panelists will provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing women in each sector across the region.

Session 2: National Initiatives in the Field of Women’s Advancement and Governance of Gender Balance Applications 

This discussion aims to shed light on the importance of national initiatives for women’s advancement and achieving gender balance in governance. Additionally, it will cover policies that promote women’s rights, strategies for increasing women’s leadership and participation in decision-making, and initiatives for women’s economic empowerment.

Session 3: Eliminating misconceptions | Shaping the Direction of Research and Policy at Macro Levels

The session discusses the future direction for research and policy in the GCC region, with a focus on emerging trends and areas of focus. It explores the influence of social dynamics on attitudes towards work and education. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in research and policy-making, highlighting the need for collaboration between countries, organizations, and institutions. The session also examines the role of experts, scholars, and researchers in shaping policy at the macro level, while considering mechanisms to ensure effective collaboration and mitigate conflicts of interest.

Session 4: Women in Think Tanks | Her Perception in Policymaking

The session will focus on the role of women in think tanks and their significant contributions to policymaking. It will highlight their experiences and insights, showcasing the valuable perspectives they bring to the table. Gender equality within think tanks will be discussed, acknowledging the progress made thus far and exploring the necessary steps to ensure equal representation and opportunities for women. The importance of women’s perspectives in policymaking will be emphasized, with examples demonstrating how their participation has influenced policy outcomes. The session will also address the barriers that women face in the field and promote mentorship and collaboration as means to overcome these challenges and support women in their professional growth.

Session 5: Closing the Gap and the Way Forward

This session highlights the role of education in bridging gaps between communities and promoting peace, while analyzing the challenges and opportunities it presents. It also focuses on conflict resolution and peacebuilding as effective means to foster understanding and cooperation between conflicting parties. The discussion will emphasize the United Nations’ role in promoting global peace, including the challenges it faces and potential pathways for addressing pressing global issues. Additionally, the impact of globalization on social and economic gaps worldwide will be explored, emphasizing the need for a more equitable and sustainable global system.

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